
Published on:

21st Jul 2021

Bonus Episode: The White House Wants To Control Social Media

The White House wants to do your thinking for you by censoring content they deem "MISINFORMATION" which is really only a buzz word for, anything we don't like. Of course this may be an exaggeration but wouldn't it be best not to find out the hard way. I give my thoughts on the White Houses's continued attempts to control social media platforms and how we can stand against it.


Facebook is more effective than the White House

Joe Biden missed his vaccine goals

Watch Mr. Jones

This is the real reason the White House wants to control social media

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About the Podcast

Indie Thinker with Reed Uberman
Think For Yourself
Realize the main stream media is broken? Looking for alternative places to stay informed about the most important topics of our day? Look no further. Indie Thinker with Reed Uberman hosts fascinating conversations with key thought leaders on the subjects of culture, causes, politics, and faith.

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Reed Uberman

Reed Uberman is a Christian, husband, dad, and theologian. He has over 18 years of experience speaking and teaching in Christian ministry. His passion is to help people become informed on the topics that matter most so they can speak up confidently.